A Cup Of Kindness

The other day, My partner and I went into town to do some shopping. It’s a special occasion and a treat when we do get to go, because where we’re camping in our bus is pretty remote. 

The closest town is called Blythe and my treat was going to be a venti-iced-matcha latte-with-oatmilk-and a dab-of-honey. This particular destination is also out in the desert and pretty remote. After our 30 minute drive we pull in to the Albertsons Parking lot. The Starbucks was located inside the grocery store, so we figured we’d get two birds stoned at once by picking up our groceries too.

Jenn and Kyle Bethune in their van with a peace sign in happiness

With us being tight on money, due to our bus being unfinished by our builder, getting Starbucks is truly a treat. As I walked up to the counter, I could feel the energy the cashier was giving off and she didn’t feel like she was having a great day.

Her energy probably had something to do with what’s going on in her inner world right now. Everyone walks a path that we can’t see and we are all doing the best we can with what we have. I find it best not to make assumptions or judgement on anyone. I simply sent her love as I was ordering and stayed balanced, knowing her disdainful energy wasn’t about me.

I had a nudge that this drink wasn’t going to be good and my nudge was spot on.

As I walked out of the store, I took a sip and it was bad. Like reeeeeally not good. I thought back to the Girl behind the counter and I wasn’t about to add more stress onto her day. She felt like she had enough going on and I knew there was a stand alone Starbucks down the road. I told Kyle I’d just pay for another one there. 

Starbucks matcha latte with oat milk

When we pulled up, I wasn’t upset or mad, I  just wanted a good matcha. I noticed they didn’t have any trash cans outside, so I would need to throw my full cup away inside. 

After doing so and striding up to the counter, I was greeted with a big smile from Meghan. 

She saw that I had thrown away my full drink and I said “yeah, I got it from the Starbucks in the Albertsons, it wasn’t very good, so I’m just ordering a new one.”

When I took my phone out to pay with the app, she said “No, I’m not going to make you pay for this. These are expensive, I wouldn’t pay for it if I were you. Please, This one is on us.”

In that instant, my heart smiled. What a kind thing for her to do and she didn’t have to. She easily could have charged me and I was fully ready to pay because it wasn’t even the same store. She didn’t have to do that. The fact that she took a moment out of her day to do a simple act that would instantly raise my energy, is something you don’t see every day. 

Everyday I try to give kindness to everyone. Being on the receiving end, was remarkably soul filling. Isn’t it wild how one simple act of kindness changed the trajectory of my entire day?

I went from being balanced and feeling disappointed to being balanced and feeling Joy. Throughout the day, I was able to look back on that act of kindness and sit in that joyful feeling for a moment. 

Do you remember “roll over minutes”? You probably also had the $0.10 per text plan. Each month, your cell phone plan would only have a certain amount of minutes on it and if you went over, they charged you.

Starbucks matcha latte with oat milk

Well, Cingular wireless came out with what they called “Rollover Minutes” where any unused minutes would roll over to the following month and you could use them if you needed them. Isn’t it crazy to think how far our cell phone plans…and individual charges have come? 

I digress. Lol. 

What I like to do is visualize my moments of joy as Rollover Minutes that I can pull back out any time I need an extra boost of joy in my day. If I’m feeling big emotions and I’m having a tough time getting out of them, I think back to my mini moments of Joy; like this cup of kindness, or a crocheted doll my dear friend made me. Even a joke that one of my kids came up with that gave me the belly laughs, or a heartfelt phone conversation with my Nan.  

In order to really allow the moment of joy to come in, I take a deep cleansing inhale and release with a big and full exhale. I imagine blowing out the big emotions as my breath leaves my body. With every inhale, I imagine my lungs filling with pure light. Now, I am in a place where my joy can come into my consciousness. 

Jenn in a flowing gold blouse with a mountain backdrop

It can be a physical gift, a moment in time, or a distant memory. Whatever your joy is, it always lives within you and it’s only ever a deep breath away. 

When your joy comes in, let yourself feel it and allow your heart to smile. Let whatever that spark is, fill your being with happiness and love. Just be in this moment and soak in that pure love, the big emotions you had before the joy came in are but a wisp of smoke, dissolving into the air. 

Anytime you need some joy, imagine your Rollover Minutes. Those memories never expire and you can pull them out whenever you need to feel them, bringing joy back into your awareness. 

Isn’t it amazing how one simple cup of kindness, inspired me to share what my soul has learned with you. What will one simple cup of kindness inspire you to do?


P.S. you being here with me brings me joy ✨

P.P.S. I’m so grateful you spent some of your precious time in my inner world with me today. I love you

1 Comment

  1. Kimberly on February 22, 2025 at 12:22 am

    I love this. The rollover minutes analogy is greatness. I’m going to need to call on some of those.

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